At ACAP Saint John, we believe that small steps can lead to big changes. We're here to help you navigate the path to a sustainable future, one tip at a time. Our eco-tips are designed to empower you with knowledge and inspire you to take action, whether that's choosing reusable products, saving water, or reducing energy consumption. With us, going green has never been easier!
Creating Wildlife-Friendly Gardens: How to Attract Bees, Butterflies, and Birds to Your Green Space
Are you lucky to have your own garden or a space that you can cultivate? Why not consider planting in a way that will benefit local wildlife and turn it into a mini paradise for birds, bees, and butterflies? Even adding just one plant can make a big difference for local wildlife. Let's dive into how you can make your outdoor space more wildlife-friendly, no matter how big or small.
Sustainable Fashion in Saint John: Tips for a More Environmentally Friendly Wardrobe
The fast fashion industry contributes directly to a variety of environmental and human rights issues. Excessive water use, production of microfibres, massive amounts of discarded clothing, high carbon emissions, and worker abuse represent a fraction of those issues. There are many ways to combat this industry while maintaining your style. Hopefully, this guide can help you reduce your consumption and reinvigorate your wardrobe.