Since 1992, ACAP Saint John has become known for partnering and working with the community to help provide solutions to existing and emerging environmental problems.
ACAP Saint John is a registered community-based, non-profit organization that encourages communication, partnership and active involvement from all sectors of the Saint John community in managing our local environment.
We strive to engage our local community in environmental education through in-school education programs, summer camp programming, workshops, field tours, and providing the opportunity for citizens to get involved through volunteer events. Our projects focus on ecological inventories, water quality monitoring programs, habitat restorations, watercourse restorations, wetland enhancements, contaminated site remediation, and climate change adaptation in an effort to restore and protect our watersheds and coastal areas.
ACAP Saint John, a registered charity, was founded as part of the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP), a unique community-based program initiated by Environment Canada in 1991 to help Atlantic Canadians restore and sustain local watersheds and adjacent coastal areas. Since then, we’ve continued to expand our role as the preeminent source of environmental knowledge and research in the Greater Saint John area.
We have a proven philosophy of ensuring that all decisions and position statements are derived from a fact-based and well-communicated consensus amongst our staff and Board of Directors. This philosophical stance, combined with our knowledgeable, open-minded and moderate approach to dispute resolution, has earned us respect from our community, including the citizens, media, government, academia and the business sectors. ACAP Saint John has become known for partnering and working with the community to help provide solutions to existing and pending environmental problems.
To engage the multi-sectorial community of Greater Saint John in the collaborative management and restoration of our watersheds.
To build environmental awareness and education throughout our community.
To restore our region’s landscapes and seascapes using holistic and climate resilient approaches.
ACAP Saint John envisions a sustainable community that embraces the inter- dependence of the unique social, economic, and environmental characteristics of the region.
ACAP Saint John is sincerely grateful for the generous financial and in-kind contributions we have received from environmentally conscientious businesses, foundations and grant agencies. Please take the time to look over the following list to acknowledge those who have assisted us in improving the quality of life in Saint John over the past year.