Fish Rescue & Electrofishing
ACAP Saint John offers fish rescue operations and scientific fish collection services for construction projects, research contracts and habitat compensation programmes anywhere in New Brunswick. With decades of professional experience and two certified electrofishing operators on staff, ACAP has an impeccable record of fish survival in rescue and collection operations.
Recent successes include:
- Newman's Brook Daylighting & Culvert Removal
- Oakville Acres Stormwater Detention Pond [Rothesay, NB; QM Construction]
- Fundy Trail Parkway [Fundy Trail Development; Gulf Operators]
- West River [Alma, NB; Dexter Construction]
- Salmon Creek [Quispamsis, NB; QM Construction]
- Hazen Creek [City of Saint John]
For more details please contact us at 1-506-652-2227 or send us an email.