What is a pollinator garden?
The role of pollinator gardens is to create a space for birds, bees, and butterflies. In urban areas where paved surfaces are commonly found, pollinator species may have difficultly finding food and habitat. A pollinator garden is planted with intention to provide pollinators with specific plants that they can utilize.
Pollinator species include bees, butterflies, birds and other species that may disperse pollen in the environment. The pollination of plants is essential for humans as many crops must be pollinated before they can grow into the food we eat. Creating pollinator habitat will help increase the number of pollinator species and help reduce the impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change.
Depave paradise and the butterflyway project
In 2021 ACAP partnered with Green Communities Canada to complete a Depave Paradise project at Seaside Park on the West Side of Saint John. The project involved removing a 100m2 section if pavement in the park and will help manage stormwater runoff. In its place, a pollinator garden was planted in June 2022 with over 200 native shrubs and flowers. This pollinator garden is registered as part of the Butterflyway Project, a network of gardens across Canada that focuses on creating pollinator habitat in urban environments.
The plant list for the Seaside Park pollinator garden can be found here.
“This work could not have been completed without to the amazing community members who provided insight into the design and volunteered time and energy to this project!”
-Jamylynn McDonald, Project Coordinator