Join us on Saturday, November 6th between 10am - 3pm while we depave an area of Seaside Park! Come out to learn about stormwater management, get physical and create thriving green spaces! This event is the first of a 2-part project where first we depave, and then in spring 2022 we will host a planting event to fill the space with native flowers and plants.
What is Depaving?
Depaving is the removal of paved areas with intention to restore it to a more natural state. Hard surfaces, such as parking lots prevent rain from soaking into the ground, increasing flood risk and polluting water in rivers and lakes. By removing unused pavement and replacing it with native plants, trees and shrubs we are replenishing groundwater, cooling and beautifying our neighbourhoods.
What should I expect?
Volunteers will be working together to remove asphalt from the identified site. Tools and wheelbarrows will be used to move the material to a waste pile. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
What do I need to bring?
Long pants (mandatory)
Steel toed boots (if you have them)
Clothes that can get dirty
Work gloves and safety googles (will be provided if you do not have them)
Where to meet?
Please meet us at Seaside Park at 10am.
Parking is available in the park lot, or at Seaside Elementary across the street.